Teen Counseling

The time of adolescence is filled with unpredictable periods of calm and turbulence. From the early tween years to late adolescence, your child may be experiencing an ever changing range of emotions, developing self perceptions and social relationships, clarity in their moral value system and how this intersects with their family’s value system.. With so much going on, it’s no wonder they may be moody, non-communicative, distant and basically, unpredictable!

This is where therapy comes in. Some kids can navigate this challenging terrain and others need a little help in creating clarity.  For some, without assistance, they may struggle with anxiety and depression, oppositional  and defiant behaviors, feelings of overwhelm and worry.  Having your tween or teen engage in therapy, even for a few sessions, can allow him or her to gain clarity of their feelings and an increased ability to communication their needs. 

At Inspire Professional Counseling, we offer adolescent focused therapy to help tweens and teens:

  • Resolve Feelings of Depression and Anxiety
  • Improve Self Esteem and Self Worth
  • Resolve Anger issues and Improve Emotional Regulation
  • Work Through Peer and Family Conflicts
  • Improve Communication with Their Parents and Siblings

info@inspireprocounseling.com or call us at 619) 821-8200